Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What to send Alex, fyi [from his Mom]

[from Lolo, Alex's Mom]
You all should know that Alex will not be on email until February or March now; he is on his 3 month challenge. But he has a cell phone and you can call him; call me or send me email if you need his number. Isn't technology now amazing??? No electricity, no running water, but phone coverage...

We spoke to him on Christmas eve and he sounded in great shape.

Many of you have asked what you can send him. As usual, Alex said he doesn't need anything. At this village he gets some fish and one vegetable (squash at the moment) besides the rice.
He says he can buy most things there in the capital, since there is one Western market. But he needs to get there and they cost money, which he doesn't have much (and he wants to live like one of them).

When pressed, here is what he said are items that can be sent:
- letters, of course; it will make his day. It takes about one month either way. They go to PC headquarters and they distribute once a month.
- magazines (he has Newsweek and Economist subscriptions already)
- books, especially books about Africa (history, novels, etc)
- power bars or energy bars (they don't have those there)
- individual oatmeal packages
- trail mix (no chocolate because of the heat) and dried fruit are hard to find
- meaty things: beef jerky preferred; canned tuna or chicken
- nuts, canned fruits, canned beans, etc.
In small cans since he has no refrigerator.

Thanks for caring.
cheers, Lolo

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