Saturday, September 22, 2007

Off to Africa

Tomorrow I leave for Philadelphia for my pre-orientation. I will join other Peace Corps volunteers to begin our travels. On Wednesday I leave for The Gambia with a layover in Brussels. I am taking one duffel bag and a backpacking backpack. Hopefully I have everything I will need.

I am excited to finally leave. I started the process over 6 months ago, and it seems like I have been waiting forever to go. When I arrive in The Gambia, I will be in the capital for a week where I will have access to internet. After that, I will move to a training village for the next nine weeks. I will only have internet when I travel to a larger village which should be every couple of weeks.



Anonymous said...

Im really going to miss you! But Im so proud that you are doing this! It takes a lot of courage! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Papai and I are also very proud of your courage, for choosing to spend 2 years living a new experience and trying to help the world to be a better place.
You will have a great time, difficult at times, but full of great experiences that will help you to better understand the world and its people.
God (and vovo') will be looking after you...


Anonymous said...

good luck!!!

alex t

Anonymous said...

I met you when we were still a baby. I remember watching you playing in the grass in front of your house at Barry Ave. Yes, a long time ago - back in 86. Both Reginaldo and I are very proud of you, and wish you good luck in this new and exciting time in your life. My kids, Patricia and André, want you to know that they also consider this an extraordinary experience indeed. Beijos, Cristina

~Miguelito said...

Good luck man, I know you're going to have an amazing experience and I wish the best... God Bless and God Speed!

Anonymous said...

oi meu amor.ja estou com saudades.tenho certeza que vai ser uma maravilhosa experiencia.estou muito orgulhosa de voce.estou aqui com o vitor na mamae.estamos indo para europa nessa proxima semana.e depois fico mais uma semana aqui em l.a.a casa esta muito vazia sem vc. boa sorte take care e volte logo.bjs anna

Jackie said...

good luck and have a great time! i'm sure it will be full of amazing experiences. let me know how you're doing from time to time-i'd love to get a postcard! i'll send you one from catalina soon...